The Carlton Connection

Three Best Ways to Follow Up After a Job Interview

After any job interview, it’s normal to feel ready to sit back and relax! However, it’s often what you do after an interview that can make or break the impression you make in front of an employer. Rather than go home and simply hope you get a phone call from the company, it’s important to take matters into your own hands.

As you embark on your job search, here are some key action steps you should take after interviews.

Send a Handwritten Thank-You Note

Even though email is the predominant means of communication between employees and hiring managers, writing a handwritten thank you note is one of the most meaningful ways to make a lasting impression on your interviewer. In your note, be sure to reference your conversation with the interviewer and reiterate why you believe you’re a top candidate for the job. Not only will you be expressing gratitude, but your note will serve as a solid reminder of your qualifications and skills.

Make a Follow-Up Call

If you haven’t heard anything back from the employer within a couple weeks of the interview, it’s completely acceptable to follow up with a phone call. During your call, be sure to say “thank you” again and explain that you’re calling to check on the status of your candidacy for the job. Respectfully inquiring about the company’s hiring timeline will further demonstrate your interest in the position and give you an opportunity to reconnect with the interviewer about your qualifications.

Connect on LinkedIn

Whether or not you get offered the job, it’s always a good idea to connect on LinkedIn with the individual who interviewed you at the company. Through LinkedIn, you can send the person a note, thanking them for their time during the interview. You can also use LinkedIn as a tool to stay in touch with the employer, in the event you do not get the job, but still wish to pursue future opportunities with the company. Maintaining channels of communication with employers after interviews is a practice that will have long-term benefits as you embark on your career path.

Looking for More Ways to Stand Out to Employers?

The way in which you follow up after an interview can be just as critical as the interview itself. Using the practices above will allow you to reinforce your candidacy long after your interview is over, and most importantly, help you shine above the competition. The recruiters of Carlton Staffing are available to provide help throughout your job search and will help you reach your goals.

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