The Carlton Connection

Have You Mapped Out a Five-Year Plan for Your Career?

carlton staffing five year career plan

If you’ve gone on many interviews, you’ve probably been asked the common question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” While this isn’t a difficult interview question to answer, it does tend to catch interviewees off guard. Chances are you haven’t thought ahead to where you want to be in one year, let alone… Read more »

Crafting a Unique Resume for Clerical and Administrative Jobs in Texas

carlton staffing clerical administrative jobs in texas

Have you felt the pressure of competition on the search for administrative jobs in Houston? There are thousands of candidates vying for the same positions as you, making it critically important you make every effort possible to stand out as a candidate. In most instances, bringing your “A” game starts with a killer resume. Whether… Read more »

Three Essential Skills for Landing a Clerical Position

carlton staffing clerical jobs houston tx

Are you a job seeker looking for employment in the clerical realm? If you’ve done your research, you’ve likely discovered that clerical work involves much more than answering phones and getting coffee. Overall, most skills for clerical positions require understanding the needs of those you work with and acting as an administrator and trusted resource.… Read more »