The Carlton Connection

Addressing the Early Signs of Bullying in the Workplace

In high school, bullying is fairly easy to spot, often in the form of aggressive verbal or physical behavior. Unfortunately, bullying in the workplace is often subtle and more difficult to detect on the surface. As an employer, it’s important that your leadership and management teams are trained and knowledgeable on how to spot signs… Read more »

How to Write a Great Thank-You Note After the Interview

carlton staffing interview thank you note

Your interview is over and you’re breathing a sigh of relief. But wait – you’re not done yet. The impression you make on an employer after your interview is heavily determined how you follow up – or how you don’t. Taking the time and effort to write a thank-you note showing your appreciation, as well… Read more »

Carltech Professional Group Presents HR Diagnostic Report

carltech HR diagnostic report

At the request of many of our clients, Carltech Professional Group is pleased to announce the roll out of our new HR Diagnostic Report. This report is a comprehensive review of the human resource competencies within your organization/company; essentially a snapshot of current operating procedures. For example, think of it as taking your car in… Read more »